POSTED 03-05-2017
Findings and Outcomes from the 500 Lives 500 Homes campaign
These factsheets represent a snapshot of people surveyed in the Brisbane region during the 500 Lives 500 Homes 3 year Campaign which began with a Registry Fortnight in March-April, 2014. Data was collected and analysed for demographics, vulnerability, acuity of homelessness and various self-reported health issues.
Please click on the links below to view the following factsheets:
POSTED 31-01-2017
Campaign Partners Final Progress Report
What started in March 2014 with the goal of working collectively to house 500 households in three years. As at March 2017, we have permanently housed 580 households – a pretty good indication that the strategies we have identified in our Housing First Roadmap are effective!
POSTED 12-12-2016
Housing First: A roadmap to ending homelessness in Brisbane
A permanent end to homelessness in Brisbane can and should be a reality, but no single organisation can achieve this in isolation. This Roadmap provides a practical action plan for government and non-government agencies, businesses and individual citizens to work together, so a permanent end to homelessness is a reality.
View Housing First: A roadmap to ending homelessness in Brisbane
ABC Spencer Howsen 5 minute discussion about the Roadmap to end homelessness, 9 August 2016
POSTED 08-12-2016
500 Lives 500 Homes - 268 women have a home
This factsheet highlights the health conditions and psycho-social profiles of 268 women permanently housed through the 500 Lives 500 Homes Campaign as at 30 November 2016.
It has been compiled during Orange the world:16 days of activism against gender violence.
POSTED 22-07-2016
Brisbane Common Ground Evaluation Snapshot
This 2016 snapshot is from Brisbane Common Ground Evaluation: Final Report by Dr Cameron Parsell. The report was prepared for the Queensland Government, Department of Housing and Public Works by the Institute for Social Science Research, The University of Queensland.
View Snapshot
POSTED 18-07-2014
Emerging Trends: VI-SPDAT and VI-F-SPDAT factsheets
These factsheets represent a snapshot of people surveyed in the Brisbane region during the 500 Lives 500 Homes Registry Fortnight in March/April, 2014. Data was collected and analysed for demographics, vulnerability, acuity of homelessness and various self-reported health issues.
POSTED 11-04-2014
500 Lives 500 Homes: Registry Fortnight Data Analysis Presentation
Please click here to read the community forum presentation.
POSTED 06-03-2014
500 Lives 500 Homes factsheet
500 Lives 500 Homes is a three year campaign to break the cycle of homelessness for families, young people and adults in our community who are homeless, vulnerable or in need of support.
Please click here to read the campaign factsheet.
POSTED 06-03-2014
500 Lives 500 Homes SAPA factsheet
This campaign factsheet is for people in Supported Accommodation or for members of the Supported Accommodation Providers Association (SAPA).
Please click here to read the campaign factsheet.