It is so easy to support 500 Lives 500 Homes and make a difference in Brisbane.
Poverty, social exclusion and isolation continue to impact on many people who live in Brisbane and the housing crisis shows no signs of abating. The high cost of living compounds the vulnerability of people subsisting on low incomes.
You can assist 500 Lives 500 Homes to continue to provide support for people who are experiencing homlessness or are vulnerable by giving a cash donation.
To donate, please choose the method that best suits you....
Credit Card
Donate now using our online secure donation page.
Micah Projects is the lead agency for 500 Lives 500 Homes and you will be directed to Micah Projects' website to donate.
Bank Deposit
Account Name: Micah Projects
Bank: Westpac
BSB: 034 013
Account: 264051
Please accompany your donation with your name and postal details so we can send you a receipt or email details to
Please make your cheque payable to Micah Projects, and post to:
PO Box 3449
South Brisbane Qld 4101